Monday, November 24, 2008

I decided to go with Clipmarks, instead of the other social bookmarking web pages. CiteULike was contained very technnical kinds of things, and sometimes you were lead to pages that charge for full text. All these site contain a certain amount of serendipitous linking. I think that Clipmarks is similar to websites like Stumble Upon, but you don't have to follow a link -- it comes to you. I clicked on a clip link at to a picture of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland -- the page is

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My bounty is as boundless as the sea (Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II)

Fun, intriguing, and informative are some of the descriptive terms I could use for the variety of sites people have garnered. It is amazing how much of the Internet is free entertainment. I was very interested in the working of Aquabrowser. I don't really understand the logic of it; I would like to look into it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dreams of User Friendly Library Applications

If I had the skills I would revamp the Boston Public Library's Electronic Resources page by using learning tools I came across by looking at Webjunction and Wikiversity and other sources I have learned about over the past weeks. I think if we could have a chat like sidebar, manned by a librarian on the webpages for Infotrac and othe databases, then people having difficulty with finding information would have someone to help them right then and there.

Also, having a tutorial with hints on how to get full text articles, how to send the articles to themselves in email, and how to narrow or widen a search. It would take some planning to accommodate the last searching problem.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Google Docs

I have signed on to Google Docs. This looks useful for its templates. I downloaded one to keep track of birthdays, one - a timetable for goals I've set, and one, a travel itinerary. All I have to do is stop procrastinating and start using them.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Buying Things on the Internet

I went to the site etsy. It is basically selling really neat handmade articles. I like that you can look for local sellers. The level of sophistication of things for sale are a far cry from the handmade things of yesteryear (Think crochet toilet paper roll covers, etc.). I think I might use the site; I don't Christmas shop really -- but I could see myself buyijng something for someone's birthday. Maybe I will just paint them a picture or something.

My Little Backyard

I am a local from East Boston; there are a few blogs out there of people who have moved there and want to write about themselves (One woman's day to day in East Boston, etc.) . Excuse me, but so what. I feel like I am looking at one-sided conversations. Wicked local is for the North Shore, but doesn't have East Boston in it. Placeblogger didn't work for me at all. I guess East Boston didn't rate a spooky mention.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Librarythings -- Too Much for My Older Brain

It was too much for me to take in. I have signed up. I just don't find the comments or the list of books that are most popular of interest. I use electronic sources like Fiction Connection or NoveList as guides. Novelist and Fiction Connection are sources that are smaller, more specific, and more organized.